Updated: March 11, 2024

Birthdays are special days. Some birthdays are really significant, like earning adulthood at 21. Celebrate memorably by having a birthday party at Bucks Cabaret, the premier gentlemen’s club in Dallas or Fort Worth. 

Big Deal!

Turning 21 is a big deal. You can legally drink, which means taking advantage of a gentlemen’s club’s party package. At Bucks Cabaret in Fort Worth you can select from three levels of party perfection for six to eight people:

  • Bronze: No cover charge; enjoy reserved seating, a first round of drinks on Bucks, a round of house shots or beers and bottle service.
  • Silver: No cover, reserved seating, a round of house shots or beers, bottle service, a champagne toast and a private dance for the newly minted 21-year-old.
  • Gold: No cover, a champagne toast, a round of house shots or beers, a private dance, bottle service and reserved seating in the Party Corner with your group’s own stage for the birthday boy (or girl)!

These party packages are all available in Dallas, too, and at both locations you can feel like a king or queen on your special day. 

Birthday Gift?

Is a gentlemen’s club the right place to celebrate the first day of being of legal age to drink? Of course! All the drink specials, friendly atmosphere, and grown-up entertainment are all part of the rite of passage. 

What about bringing the birthday boy’s girlfriend? For the professional dancers that is completely cool. Having a 21st birthday party at a gentlemen’s club should not be a surprise to anyone, and if the girlfriend has doubts, a trial run a week ahead is a great idea. She can get to see the beautiful surroundings and beautiful entertainers. She can discover that nobody is going to stand between her and her birthday boy. 

Ladies’ Choice

What about a birthday party for her? Party animals come in both genders, so is a gentlemen’s club the right spot to let her celebrate? Sure, as long as everyone is clear-eyed about how to comport themselves.

Bucks Cabaret is a showplace full of fun, friendly entertainers. With drink specials, party packages and fine food, you can send a 21-year-old out into adulthood with a big, sexy splash in high style at Bucks Cabaret in Dallas or Fort Worth.